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Turning 21; A Rooftop Birthday Party

Ask any girl and she’ll tell you that a 21st birthday is a BIG deal. The same is true for me of course. To make it even a bigger deal, my 21st happened to be bang in the middle of my elder sister’s wedding week and so the day doubled as a birthday and as a cocktail party for our closest friends and family.

Now while I didn’t plan the party (my dear brother did and in my defence I was busy with the wedding prep), I sure did have a hell of a time sipping wine, dancing to mellow tunes, and enjoying the chilly winter breeze in Delhi alongside friends.

Since my brother is sort of a decor expert and loves a touch a drama, neither of the two were amiss that night. Since it was a rooftop party, we had the terrace covered in fairly lights to give a starry night feel to the whole ambience. It was the peak of winter and while drinks keep you warm but not as much, we built in a bonfire in the middle of the terrace for everyone’s comfort. To add to it, the planters we had growing on our terrace made the whole place come alive like never before; imagine walking into something like that for your birthday!

The touch of drama came from the poolside on a lower floor that doubled as a smoking and drinking floor for the younger crowd. For some reason we felt it wasn’t cold enough, so we had a ice vase installed in the poolside with roses and floated liquid nitrogen in the warm water. And, that ladies and gentleman, was theatre like never before! The staircase up to the terrace was also decked up in greens and flowers with a streaming chandelier, and so all of it felt like a walk in a very aesthetic forest at night.

We all know no 21st birthday and more so a cocktail is complete without music and drinks. We had a live singer serenading everyone to his tunes and for drinks - a bartender went all out; you name it and he had it. It was a night straight out of one of your pins on pinterest and as everyone danced and drank away, we brought out some tequila soaked watermelons - and the rest is a mystery! The most fun part, you ask? We partied till 3 AM in the morning and no one asked us to leave!

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