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Theming Indian in India

By Guilherme Ramos

Best place to have an Indian-theme party you ask? India has to be the only right answer. And that's exactly how we celebrated the birthday of our amazing Ballet teacher at Grand Ballon, Juliana. This was her very first year in Jaipur and the city had already won her heart. Hence, no other theme could have done justice to this special day of hers.

While we were preparing and setting everything up for the celebration, Juliana had a super special day planned. It was scheduled from a delicious breakfast in bed and sweet videos messages from her family in Brazil to fun photo sessions and a bunch of gifts.

We were set to go all bright, bold and beautiful for the party. We prepared and decorated everything the way we see India, full of life, colours and joy. Every corner was spilling and bustling with happy hues. For us, detail is the key to everything.

Everyone present was dressed up in an Indian attire. The birthday girl wore a beautiful blue saree and of course, stole the show. We even got everyone a marigold garland to go with the theme and wear through the celebration. As foreigners, I cannot say that the cuisine was authentic Indian, but we did try our best, to cook our favorite Indian delicacies. And trust me, everyone loved it!

We danced through the time on the playlist of all our favourite Indian songs. When we were exhausted and couldn't dance anymore, we sat down to tell each other funny stories from our real life experiences. We all laughed our hearts out and got closer than we ever were.

It was a very special night for all of us.

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