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Keeping it Simple, Diwali

When we say festivals are all about getting people together, we mean it. Everything else is just a prop to add on to the fun, but not the source of it.

One fine Diwali, we thought of arranging a cute little party to get everyone together and into the festive vibe. We arranged for some cool props and backdrops. We used our suites of cards for the decorations. Lacking the appropriate furniture, we made good use of our air mattress. It was super easy and so cheap!

What is a Diwali party without a poker game? Boring, duhh! And our party was nothing if not crazy. Later in the evening, we gave everyone present, titles in the form of a crown, best suiting their personality.

In the end, we thanked everyone for joining us for the night and making it ‘a night to remember’. Also, we gave everyone sweet little return favours, consisting of a traditional diya and candies, and parted with them.

We had so much fun by just having everyone around and a few little

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