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Birthday 2020

Birthdays are great, a time for celebration and a lovely excuse to get together with family, friends. However, 2020 is all about lockdown, quarantine, and being safe.

So as my birthday was approaching, I was literally feeling low since I knew there wont be any ‘usual’ celebrations and my day would be spent sitting in Pj’s, watching Netflix and having a virtual birthday party, maybe.

But as they say, no matter how hard the time is, come what may, some people leave no stone unturned to make your day/ life beautiful and yes I am fortunate to say that I have such beautiful people in my life.

My birthday eve started with a lot of phone calls and got me all pumped up and happy but I knew the next day will be just like any other quarantine day.

The day started and I was ready to sit at home and watch Netflix :P. However, to my surprise, the doorbell rang and there entered one of my friends with a cake, then in another 5 minutes again the bell rang and there came another friend and the saga continued until 10 of my friends came over to surprise me wearing masks! I was surprised and couldn’t believe what was happening since it was the peak of the lockdown and nobody was stepping out at that time and I honestly didn’t expect anybody to take the risk of meeting me. They all came, few from Gurgaon, some took an off from work, some took a half day from work etc. and we all had met after months so you can imagine the happiness and excitement level we all had.

We all had a great time, we laughed our hearts out, ate some yummy treats (So apparently my mom had an idea and had prepared some stuff already and trust me I had no idea about anything), and the feeling of being able to meet everyone was surreal. It reminded me of our old carefree days and time when being able to meet everyone like this was so normal, everything now seems so much more valuable and precious.

Had it been a normal year, I would have celebrated my birthday the usual way with friends, going to a café and partying but birthday this year had a whole new vibe and feel to it. It was one surprise I will never forget.

Trust me house parties are underrated, 2020 made me realize this. All that matters is the company you are with and not the place you are in! Parties at home come out to be pocket friendly, no time limitations, carefree and somehow so much more fun!

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